Parents in Parliament (PiP)

Although a majority of parliamentarians in most parliaments are parents, we know very little about mothers in parliament and virtually nothing about fathers.

My research focuses on parents in parliament, discovering the working-conditions of mothers and fathers in parliament and explains the effect of parenthood on the work and political careers of parliamentarians.


This research agenda comprises a number of different (sub) projects focusing on and/or comparing various parliaments in Europe.

Parents in the European Parliament

Project financed by: FNK University of Bamberg (2022-2023)


Project Leader: Elena Frech


In Collaboration with: Sophie Kopsch (UNamur)


The project under the heading “Infrequent, Insignificant or Influential? Parents in the European Parliament” deals with mothers and fathers in the European Parliament and shows how children affect the work and success of parliamentarians.


While research is still ongoing, first results are published: Frech, Elena and Sophie Kopsch. 2024. "Beyond Rhetoric: The European Parliament as a Workplace for Parents and Current Reform Debates", Politics and Governance 12. (Accepted).



Parents in The Swiss Parliament

In Collaboration with: Stefanie Bailer and Sarah Bütikofer.


How does having a small child, particularly a young child, affect the political behaviour and success of parliamentarians? In this project we answer this question analysing the parliamentary offices and political behaviour of Swiss national parliamentarians.


A publication is forthcoming in Swiss Political Science Review!