Newspaper Articles and Blog Posts
Frech, Elena. 2016. “Jostling for position: What determines where candidates are placed on electoral lists during European elections?”, Blog Post on LSEs European Politics and Policy Blog, published on May 23rd, 2016.
Euchner, Eva-Maria and Frech, Elena. 2020. “Speaking or drafting? How parties’ candidate selection procedures shape the prioritization of parliamentary activities in the European Parliament”, Blog Post on the Academic Blog Counting Counts, published on June 9th, 2020.
Elena Frech, Niels D. Goet and Simon Hug. 2021. "Passiver und weniger parteitreu: Wie sich die Amtszeitbeschr"ankung auf Parlamentsmitglieder auswirkt", Article on the academic platform DeFacto, published on February 1st, 2021.
Elena Frech, Niels D. Goet and Simon Hug. 2021. "Wenn das Ende des Mandats naht: Wie sich die Amtszeitbeschr"ankung auf Parlamentsmitglieder auswirkt", Article on Higgs.ch, published on February 16th, 2021.
Elena Frech. 2019. Scientific supervision of the party ranking within the Swiss campaign and social movement `Helvetia ruft!', ranking published on October 18th, 2019.