
In peer-reviewed Journals


Frech, Elena. 2024. "Gendered Exits: The Role of Parliamentarians, Parties and Voters in Women’s Departure from the European Parliament", European Union Politics, (Accepted). 


Frech, Elena, Stefanie Bailer and Sarah Buetikofer. 2024. "Can('t) Have it All? Parenthood in the Swiss Parliament", Swiss Political Science Review. (Accepted).


Frech, Elena and Simon Hug. 2024. "Candidate Selection and its Behavioral Consequences", Electoral Studies 91.


Frech, Elena and Sophie Kopsch. 2024. "Beyond Rhetoric: The European Parliament as a Workplace for Parents and Current Reform Debates", Politics and Governance 12. (Accepted).


Elena Frech and Ulrich Sieberer. 2023. "Coordination Committees and Legislative Agenda Setting Power in 31 European Parliaments" Historical Social Research 48(3): 189-208. 


Turner-Zwinkels, Tomas,  Huwyler, Oliver, Frech, Elena, Goet, Niels D., Manow, Philip, Bailer, Stefanie and Hug, Simon. 2022. "Parliaments Day-by-Day: A New Open Source Database to Answer the Question of Who Was in What Parliament, Party and Party-group and When", Legislative Studies Quarterly, 47(3) 761-784 [Supplementary Material][Replication Material and Dataset]


Euchner, Eva-Maria and Frech, Elena. 2022. "Mandated Representation: Exploring the Consequences of Gender Quota Design on Parliamentary Activity", Parliamentary Affairs 75(2): 281-307.


Frech, Elena, Niels Goet and Simon Hug. 2021. "Shirking and Slacking in Parliament", Legislative Studies Quarterly, 46(2): 493-523. [Supplementary Material] [Replication Material]


Euchner, Eva-Maria and Frech, Elena. 2020. "Candidate Selection and Parliamentary Activity in the EU's Multi-Level System: Opening a Black-Box", Politics and Governance 8(1): 72-84. [Supplementary Material] [Replication Material]


Frech, Elena. 2019. "Europe at the Crossroads: Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges. Bevelander, Pieter and Wodak, Ruth (Eds.), Lund Nordic Academic Press (2019), 284p., ISBN 978-91-88909-18-3". Swiss Political Science Review 25(3): 333-336.

Hahm, Hyeonho, König, Thomas, Osnabrügge, Moritz and Frech, Elena. 2019. “Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)”, International Organization 72(4): 881-900. [Supplementary Material]

 Frech, Elena. 2016. “Re-electing MEPs: The factors determining re-election probabilities”, European Union Politics 17(1): 69-90. [Online Appendix]  [Replication Material]


Frech, Elena, Thomas König and Moritz Osnabrügge. 2015. "Öffentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise – eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten", Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 25 (2): 191 - 217.





Frech, Elena. 2018. Re-Selecting Members of the European Parliament: Candidate Selection, Party Goals, and Re-Election Probabilities. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Elena Frech addresses the issue of candidate (re-)selection for the European elections. Studying German parties, the author investigates both, the rules and practice of candidate selection. The study is one of the first to shed light on the goals political parties pursue when selecting candidates in the European context. First, the author provides a detailed account of the formal and informal procedures German parties use to construct the electoral lists for the European elections. Then she turns towards the individual candidates, showing which factors determine the list placement of incumbent parliamentarians. The findings highlight the importance of individual candidate characteristics as well as party institutions and are of interest not only to scientists but also to parties, politicians, and citizens.



Chapters in Edited Volumes


Frech, Elena, Goet, Niels and Hug, Simon. 2020. "The Politics of Legislative Debate in Switzerland". In: Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, and Jorge M. Fernandes (Eds.), The Politics of Legislative Debate Around the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract).