Academic Positions

12/2023 - present       Post-doctoral Researcher in the EVOLV’EP - MEPs’ Career & Behaviour Project

                                       at the Departement de Sciences Politiques, Sociales et de la Communication                                             at the Universite de Namur, Belgium.


04/2021 - 11/2023      Post-doctoral Researcher at the University Bamberg, as part of the    

                                       "Coordination Committees as Parliamentary Agenda Setters" project.


10/2020 - 03/2021      Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Konstanz, Department of

                                        Politics and Public Administration.


5/2020 - 09/2020        Researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-

                                       Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft.


3/2020 - present          Lecturer at the University of Basel.


9/2016 - 2/2020           Post-doctoral Researcher in the "Parliamentary Careers in Comparison"

Project at the University of Geneva.


 (On maternity leave in 2017)


5/2010 - 8/2016            Doctoral Researcher in project C6 " The domestic foundation of governmental

                                         preferences over European politics" in the Collaborative Research Center

                                         "Political Economy of Reforms", SFB 884, at the University of Mannheim.



9/2010 - 8/2016           Doctor of Social Science in Political Science at the Graduate School of

                                        Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim, Germany.


9/2007–8/2008            Master of Science in Political Science in International Relations

(cum laude/with honor) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands.


10/2003–03/2007        Bachelor of Arts in Political and Administrative Science at the

 University of Konstanz, Germany.



2020                               Machine Learning in Python at the Leibnitz-Institute for Social Sciences, Köln,

                                        Germany.  Practical introduction to machine learning for text analysis.


2016                                Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Didactic Skill Enhancement

                                        (Hochschul-Didaktikzentrum BW)

                                         Module I 


2011                                Qualitative Interview Research at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

                                         Workshop on Interview Research taught by Prof. Jan Kruse.


2011                                ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques at Ljubljana, Slovenia.

                                         Course on Political Game Theory taught by Prof. Kristopher Ramsay.


2011                                CDSS Winter School at the University of Mannheim, Germany.

                                         Workshop on Bayesian Analysis taught by Prof. Susumu Shikano.


2010, 2011 and 2012    Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Europe Summer  

                                          Institute at the University of Mannheim. Germany.

                                          Theoretical and Methodological Foundations (R. Calvert and A. Martin),

                                                    Random Utility Models (M. Fey),

                                             Experimental Applications (R. Wilson and C. Eckel),
                                             Agent Based Modelling (M. Laver),
                                             Quantitative Analysis of Political Texts (W. Lowe and S. Proksch),
                                             QRE and Experiments (M. Fey).

Full CV of Dr. Elena Frech
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